Thursday, February 7, 2008


Allergic symptoms like sneezing, nasal congestion, itching and watering of eyes, running nose, cough, wheezing etc are usually attributed to dust. Actually the dust mite is causing the allergy.

Dust mites are tiny bugs belonging to the spider family. They are microscopic and measures about 0.01 mm. Mites are 8-legged bugs with bristles covering their body. There are 50,000 species of mites. Since they dwell in dust, they are called 'dust mites.

They thrive on dandruff, fragments of hair, food etc. Dust-bins, bed, pillow, mattresses, furniture, curtains, woollen materials and old dumped materials are their favorite places.

One gram of dust contains nearly 15,000 mites. Dust mites can live for about two months. Within this short span, they produce 80 to 100 eggs. It can also excrete 20 pellets of faecal matter per day.


Clean and mop the floor with detergents daily.

Bed and pillow should be regularly dried under the sun. Cover them with plastic if possible.

Blankets, carpets, mattresses should be dusted regularly.

Unused materials should be discarded or kept clean.

Old books, toys, clothes, rugs, should be frequently cleaned.

Left-over food stuff should be discarded immediately.

While dusting, cover your nose with clean cloth.

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