Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Body Mass Index (BMI) a figure calculated from your height and weight. It has been proposed by The World Health Organization as a method for defining obesity.

If your BMI is too high, you're at greater risk than people with a normal BMI.

BMI = [Weight in pounds ÷ Height in inches ÷ Height in inches] x 703. For example: A person who weighs 210 pounds and is 6 feet tall would have a BMI = 210 pounds divided by 72 inches divided by 72 inches multiplied by 703 = 28.5.

Your BMI score means the following:
· Underweight: below 18.5
· Normal: 18.5 to 24.9
· Overweight: 25 to 29.9
· Obese: 30 and above

The most successful weight-loss strategies include calorie reduction combined with increased physical activity. Be active. To maintain weight, you need to be active for 60 minutes on most days. If your schedule seems too jammed for exercise, try to give up something else. But if you've been sedentary for years, doing too much too soon can lead to burnout and injuries. In any case, talk to your doctor before you begin an exercise program. You may want to begin by walking outdoors or on a treadmill for 10 minutes a day and gradually build up your time.Seek your doctor's advice before launching into any weight-loss program or taking any over-the-counter diet pill or supplement. If you consume too few calories, your body will go into starvation mode, your metabolism will slow down in order to store fat and weight loss will become even more difficult.Set realistic weight-loss goals, such as one to two pounds a week or eight pounds a month. Even small weight loss is important. It makes a tremendous health difference.

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